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Message to Kentucky Chinese American Association

Kentucky Chinese American Association - Chinese organization in Lexington KY

Kentucky Chinese American Association

(859) 224-8072
(859) 224-8072



About Kentucky Chinese American Association

KYCAA promotes Chinese culture and heritages, as well as cross-cultural understanding through various educational programs that benefit both the adults and the youth. We hope to serve as a catalyst that bridges the existing gap that often separates Western and Eastern cultures, thereby enhancing cross-cultural friendship. The organization provides a unique opportunity for interaction, networking and collaborations among its members, and between members and their communities. KYCAA welcomes all who are interested in promoting multi-cultural exchanges as pertaining to the mission of the organization.


Primary Office Location

pin P.O. Box 910186 Lexington KY 40591

pin (859) 224-8072


Message Kentucky Chinese American Association
(859) 224-8072